Admission Requirements

  • 申请人必须完成在线申请表格并提交50美元.00 deposit.
  • 申请人必须在地区认可的学院或大学获得学士学位;
  • 本科总平均绩点(GPA)不低于2分.70 on a 4.招生委员会可接受的学位课程的00级;
  • Must have a GPA of 3.00 or higher in the undergraduate major;
  • A 500-800 word statement of purpose;
  • 三封推荐信,其中至少两封必须来自十大网赌信誉平台或学生以前就读机构的英语教员.
  • A writing sample in one of the following formats: an undergraduate  literature essay; a sample of professional prose; an essay written in response to a writing prompt provided by the English Department admissions committee
  • 申请人必须填写网上申请表格.
  • 申请人必须在地区认可的学院或大学获得学士学位;
  • 本科总平均绩点(GPA)不低于2分.70 on a 4.招生委员会可接受的学位课程的00级;
  • Must have a GPA of 3.00 or higher in the major;
  • A 500-800 word statement of purpose;
  • 三封推荐信,其中至少两封必须来自十大网赌信誉平台或学生以前的学校的英语教师;
  • 作为写作样本提交的一篇本科文学论文
Student in stacks of Whittemore Library

Learning Outcomes

达到了上面列出的目标, 通过对学科知识的掌握,学生将能够获得更高的专业和学术身份. Their expertise will allow them to:

  • 在历史和当代学术中阐明自己的批判和理论方向

  • 批判特定文学形式的审美效果,注意内容与形式之间的相互作用

  • 确定两个或多个文学研究专业领域的理论和学科问题有何不同

  • 批判人类经验的复杂性,通过性别的表现, sexuality, class, race, religion or ethnicity in literary texts

  • 管理一个大型的独立论文项目,从构思到答辩

  • 为一系列的专业追求或进一步的研究生学习做好准备

Program Requirements

Program Requirements

The degree requires a minimum of nine (9) courses, which are divided into 两(2)门核心课程(包括一门顶点课程)和七(7)门英语选修课程.  800级和900级英语研究生课程都需要额外的阅读材料, including works of literacy criticism, and extensive independent research.  As part of the capstone course experience, 学生必须通过硕士论文的口头答辩 由三(3)名教师组成的小组,其中包括论文指导教师, the Chair of the English Department, 以及由硕士候选人或该研究生项目协调员选择的另一名教员.


  • ENGL 901 Introduction to Graduate Study in English
  • ENGL 985英语硕士论文(顶点课程)

学生可以从以下7个集中课程中选择. 至少两(2)必须在900研究生水平的英语课程

  • ENGL 908 Composition Theory and Pedagogy
  • ENGL 920 Contemporary African-American Fiction
  • ENGL 924 Contemporary African Literature
  • 萨尔曼·拉什迪与后殖民小说
  • ENGL 930 Workshop in Children’s Literature
  • ENGL 936 Transatlantic Modernism
  • ENGL 939 T.S. Eliot and Marianne Moore
  • 儿童文学:批判方法
  • 青年成人文学:批判方法
  • ENGL 962 Harlem Renaissance Poetry
  • ENGL 990 Independent Study in English


  • ENGL 800 Studies in Genre
  • ENGL 804 English Renaissance Literature
  • ENGL 809 The Nineteenth-Century European Novel
  • ENGL 813 Medieval and Renaissance Drama
  • ENGL 814 British Romanticism
  • 英语小说的兴起与确立
  • ENGL 818 The Nineteenth Century British Novel
  • 1680年前的英国文学研究
  • ENGL 826 The Novel and the World
  • ENGL 829 The Victorian Period
  • ENGL 832 Whitman, Dickinson and Frost
  • ENGL 837 Studies in Shakespeare
  • 现代和当代英国和爱尔兰诗歌
  • ENGL 841 Contemporary Irish Literature
  • ENGL 842 Studies in British Literature after 1680
  • ENGL 843 Russian Literature in Translation
  • ENGL 846 Modern Drama
  • ENGL 847 Studies in American Literature
  • ENGL 849 Modern American Poetry
  • ENGL 852 The Twentieth-Century Novel
  • ENGL 853 Contemporary African American Poetry
  • ENGL 854 British Fiction since 1945
  • ENGL 860 Critical Writing
  • ENGL 862 American Romanticism
  • ENGL 864 Postcolonial Literature
  • ENGL 870 Current Trends in Children's Literature
  • ENGL 873 Chaucer
  • ENGL 874 American Realism and Naturalism
  • ENGL 875 History of Children's Literature
  • ENGL 876 Modern American Fiction
  • ENGL 879 Studies in World Literature through 1900
  • ENGL 883 Contemporary American Fiction
  • ENGL 884 Contemporary American Poetry
  • ENGL 890 The English Language
  • ENGL 896 Seminar in Literature
  • ENGL 897 Studies in African American Literature
  • ENGL 898 Studies in World Literature after 1900
Patricia Horvath

Patricia Horvath

Associate Professor, English
Patricia E. Chu

Patricia E. Chu

Instructor, English

Kim Cochrane, Ed.D.

客座副教授,英语和客座副教授,硕士.Ed. - Curriculum and Instructional Technology
Kelly Matthews

Kelly Matthews, Ph.D.


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