About the MHWPC

Our Mission

The Mancuso Humanities Workforce Preparation Center promotes the humanities disciplines at Framingham State University (Art & Music; Communication, Media & Performance; English; History; World Languages) in order to raise awareness of the value of humanities education for the 21st-century workforce, increase enrollment in these majors and minors, and ensure that FSU humanities majors are prepared for rewarding employment upon graduation. The Center's initiatives include creating employment opportunities for humanities graduates; building bridges between humanities faculty and regional employers; raising awareness among employers of the value of a humanities degree; and educating humanities faculty and students about the needs and expectations of regional employers.

In carrying out this mission, the Mancuso Humanities Workforce Preparation Center works with various constituencies, including:

  1. Current and prospective students in the traditional Arts & Humanities departments and their parents
  2. Regional businesses and educational, governmental, and nonprofit organizations seeking to employ FSU interns and graduates or to learn more about the skills and strengths FSU humanities graduates bring to the workplace
  3. Faculty in the traditional Arts & Humanities departments
  4. Regional and national humanities-focused organizations

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Learn More

Read a message from founder Halcyon Mancuso to learn more about her vision for the MHWPC.

Meet the members of the Advisory Board, and read their "Why humanities?" stories.

Contact Us

We welcome your questions and comments! Send us a message at mancusocenter@quanluo.net.