


> 近期实习情况

实习 are a great way to expand your educational experiences in your chosen field of study. They build valuable résumé content and help you determine what you may (or may not) want to do in your professional life. The job market for recent college graduates is typically rather competitive and research has shown that students with one or more internships find jobs sooner and start at higher salaries than those who never undertook an internship.

These opportunities enhance a student’s understanding of the work-a-day-world in ways that pure classroom learning cannot fully address. 他们提供专业的工作经验和, 经常, allow you to generate a portfolio of proven productivity that you may 然后 present to prospective employers. 另外, 实习服务可以帮助你建立自信, “软技能”(如人际沟通), 以及网络的可能性.


常见问题  >>>

问题:  "实习"真的是我要上的课吗?

回答:  是的. The Department of 传播,媒体和表演提供COMM495通讯实习, 媒体, 以及在秋季和春季学期的表现, 以及整个暑期课程. 学生必须是传播艺术专业的, 在课程学分中获得初级地位, and have completed COMM250 媒体/Society/Self as a prerequisite course in order to register for COMM495 Internship in 传播,媒体和表演.


问题: 我需要参加COMM495实习吗?

答案# 1:  如果你在2020 - 2021学年(或更晚)进入学位课程, 那么你就不需要完成实习了. All majors need to take at least four 300 or 400-level courses to complete the degree program, so it is very likely (and highly encouraged) that students complete at least one instance of COMM495 Internship in 传播,媒体和表演. 在最近的历史中,大约60%的专业即使在没有要求的情况下也这样做了.

答案# 2:  If you entered the Communication 艺术 department during the 2019 – 2020 Academic year (or earlier) and your concentration is either Organizational & 企业(UCMC)或综合视觉媒体(UCMI), 然后, 是的, 你必须至少参加一次COMM495交流实习, 媒体, 和性能. 请注意: 虽然不是必需的, Communication Studies (UCMG) students can use Internship to fulfill a production requirement. We encourage everyone to consider doing one or more internships at some point(s) during their Junior and Senior years.


问题: 过程是怎样的?? 如何开始我的实习之路?

回答:  Although not an overly complicated process, there are several steps that do need to be followed –

  • 学习传播艺术专业
  • 已获得大三学分(FSU 16+学分和/或转学分)
  • 是否已成功完成COMM250 媒体/Society/Self
  • 你有责任找到并确保自己的实习机会, 但是校园里有一些资源可以提供一些帮助. 我们鼓励你去就业服务办公室[地址4]th 麦卡锡中心; careerservices@quanluo.net] . Their team can critique your résumé and provide historical / current internship locations where Communication 艺术 students have served. 一旦你在就业服务中心注册, 你可以收到告诉你实习机会的电子邮件. You will also have access to their website and other resources to search for internships as well as information on things like cover letters, 如何面试, 为成功而着装.
  • Work with your departmental academic advisor (who will be considered the “Instructor” for your COMM 495 course section) to determine an appropriate Internship site. 你需要找到自己的实习机会, 但是老师可以给你建议,或者可能会推荐一些值得探索的网站. Your FSU academic advisor will eventually serve as your “school-side” mentor and internship course coordinator throughout the semester of commitment.
  • 大多数学生在他们的日程安排中留出两天的空闲时间,以适应所需的时间. (140 hours for a 1 credit Internship; 280 for a 2 credit Internship.学生通常每周工作10-12小时.
  • 填写实习合同并取得所需签名(以上链接). The completed form should 然后 be presented to the FSU 注册商’s Office for final approval. 这可以在校园亲自完成,也可以通过电子邮件发送图像文件.
  • We recommend that you turn in your completed Internship Contract by May 1 for the fall semester course, 11月25日是春天, 夏季则是4月15日. 然而, be aware that different sites have their own time frames for interviews and for application deadlines. You can enroll in Internship up until the end of the Add-Drop period of your specific chosen semester or summer session A.
  • Once the FSU 注册商’s Office approves of your proposed Internship they will notify you via email. You are 然后 permitted to enter your PIN / CRN combo on myFramingham to secure your seat in the COMM495 course.
  • 一旦注册, you will be placed into a Blackboard Learning 管理 online course environment for COMM495. 在这里,您可以找到额外的资源,课程相关的任务(i.e. -讨论板,期刊,简短的论文作业等.)以及针对课程“学术”部分的教师特定说明.


问题:  COMM495在传播学实习吗, 媒体, 和性能 count as one of my FOUR courses if I take it during either the Fall or Spring semester?

回答:  是的. COMM495 is considered an actual course (one of your typical four) – it is covered by tuition – like other courses, 它可以为你的毕业加分.

  • 注意:如果你注册COMM495作为暑期课程, it is managed by the Office of 继续教育 and separate / additional tuition costs for the credit must be provided to the school.
  • 注意:冬季休学期间不提供实习机会.


问题:  完成实习经历必须做些什么?

回答:  The Internship student has several responsibilities related to the successful completion of the course:

  • 提供140(+)小时的服务完成情况
  • 完成COMM495学院协调员要求的所有“学术方面”课程任务
  • Have your Internship Site Supervisor complete an “Exit Interview” Evaluation form and have that document provided directly to your COMM495 faculty coordinator
  • Update your résumé with all pertinent Internship-related information and secure an archive of your “portfolio of productivity” that you amassed during your months of service to the Internship host organization


问题: 有带薪实习机会吗??

回答:  是的,

  • 该地区确实存在带薪实习,但大多数实习都是无薪的. 学生 are therefore encouraged to either save up for the Internship semester or they should practice very good time management while also working a part-time job. 周密的计划会让你有一个完整但易于管理的时间表.
  • Some students have written proposals to the department successfully turning their current paid position with an organization into an Internship experience.
  • The CHOICE program (Community/首页town Organizations Internship and Cooperative 教育) offers funding for internships within the town of Framingham and local community organizations. 见道恩·罗斯, 职业服务, 和你的沟通, 媒体, 和绩效学术顾问了解详情.


问题: 如果我没有车去实习地点怎么办?

回答:  校园内或校园附近有很多机会. 关于这些校园选择,请参见就业服务中心. 有时地铁西线的公共交通路线会带你去你要去的地方.


问题:  我应该多久开始办理手续?

回答:  It is never too early to begin the research phase of finding possible locations for an Internship experience. 在你大二的时候开始和你的学术顾问讨论, and during the spring / summer before your Junior year talk with fellow students who have done or are doing 实习. 通常, 学生在交流中的主要兴趣, 媒体, 和性能 fields will solidify as they move forward through the academic program – which steers their networking and focuses their search.